LinkedIn articles & posts, 2020
Seventh year in which I’ve written occasional “articles” and short “posts” on LinkedIn. Since I try to group LI posts (& replies to posts) topically, some of the items on these pages may be somewhat older than the page publish date. Article titles in bold; collections of posts in regular type.
- AI job interviews (3 items), Jan.18, 2020
- 3- & 4-circle “purpose” Venns (2 items), Jan. 18, 2020
- Power, brain damage, incompetence & the “cult of the tech founder,” Jan. 19, 2020
- Abandoned ag land; tree species in reforestation, Jan. 19, 2020
- Multitasking; productivity in office spaces; motivation, Jan. 26, 2020
- Languages & UBI; lang tech in Africa; MT; missing words, Jan. 26, 2020
- Blame for climate crisis; Britain & “zero-carbon,” Jan. 30, 2020
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