In these waning weeks of the International Year of Indigenous Languages (IYIL2019), on a day that happens to also be observed as Arabic Language Day, the UN General Assembly ratified the resolution of its Third Committee (7 Nov. 2019), which includes a declaration of an International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL), 2022-32.
#Today, following the conclusion of #IYIL2019, #UNGA adopted the resolution on the rights of #IndigenousPeoples 👉 which includes, inter alia, proclamation of 2022-2032 as International Decade of #IndigenousLanguages The work continues! #WeAreIndigenous
— UNPFII (@UN4Indigenous) December 18, 2019
The proposal for an IDIL, which was originally suggested for 2020-30, has been working its way through the UN system for several months. It was discussed on this blog in a posting this past August, and again mentioned in another post last month.
The two-year lead will leave time to prepare and organize for the decade.
I’ll take the opportunity here to provide links to UNESCO’s “Strategic Outcome Document of the International Year of Indigenous Languages” (15 Nov. 2019), which mentions the then proposed IDIL, and an article discussing that document.