This is my second blog. The first one – “Beyond Niamey” – began as an experiment. I was interested to see what I could do with the medium, and how I might show use of multiple languages (mainly French, Fulfulde/Pular and Bambara). Ultimately I have used and continue to use that one intermittently to (1) post about some of my work, (2) write on African languages and the information society, and (3) as a place to aggregate recent postings from a number of lists I contribute to.
This blog is to be another experiment, as a place to post on the several professional and disciplinary areas I am and have been involved in, and the connections among them. Namely:
- Agriculture
- Environment and natural resource management (NRM)
- Education
- Information and communication technologies (ICT)
- Languages
- Development (international, community, and rural)

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