[from the Web2forDev archives]
Re: Web 2.0 in Africa - Agriculture and New Technologies - Web2forDev - now available with subtitles in Ganda / Luganda
Don Osborn
on June 2, 2009
Thanks, Giacomo, for bringing this to our attention. I look forward to viewing it and also learning more about the work of Mr. Kibaya.
This is the kind of thing that 10 years ago would have gone out on a list that CTA hosted called AfAgrICT-L. I've long thought that this was a concept that was timely then but even more necessary now. With increasing penetration of ICTs in Africa, wide use of mobile technology, development of methodologies for participatory GIS, and indeed other web 2.0 applications, there would seem to be all that much more to discuss under the topic of agriculture and ICTs in Africa. Is there any interest at CTA in reviving this project? I've previously been in touch with Mike Jensen about this, but he's moved on.
What would be necessary to make it work, I think, would be a core group of people from the start who are committed to devloping a community of specialists working on diverse aspects of ICT and agriculture in Africa.
All the best.
Don Osborn
PS- see http://niamey.blogspot.com/2008/02/linking-l10n-ict4d-bring-back-afagrict.html for more about afagrict-l
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