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Bisharat's QuickTopic Message Boards
In September 2001 I received a question about support for the Hausa language on computers and the internet. As part of my response I set up a message board using the QuickTopic message board service called "Hausa charsets & keyboards." Over the course of the next several years I set up similar forums in response to other questions, which are listed below in alphabetical order (my posts are under the name of "BisharatNet").
In 2013 I closed all but the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba boards to new contributions due to recurrent problems with spam with some, and non-activity on others. All remain open for reading:
- Ghanaian languages & ICT (closed)
- Hausa charsets & keyboards
- Ibibio, Efik, Anaang & ICT (fonts, keyboards & applications) (closed)
- Igbo language & ICT (fonts, keyboards & applications)
- Langues Béninoises et les NTIC (closed)
- Langues Burkinabè et les NTIC (closed)
- Langues Sénégalaises et les NTIC (closed)
- Swahili Advanced Computer Applications (SACA) (closed)
- Langues Togolaises et les NTIC (closed)
- Yoruba language & ICT (fonts, keyboards & applications)
Although these are technically electronic bulletin-board style forums, they also have a subscription feature.
They've had varying success - some having been used heavily, and others very little.
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