(from the CLDR-users archives; source: CLDR-users index for May 2008)
From: "Don Osborn"
To: "'Peter Constable'", <cldr-users@unicode.org>
Subject: RE: Locales, macrolanguages & clusters
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 12:48:04 -0400
Hi Peter, My original thought was two separate filings. But since your question implies another approach, this is of interest too.
I'm thinking ahead to needs in the case of some African languages, and interested in knowing about rules and precedents. Also, whether the filing of a locale for a "language" might inadvertently impede later filing for a "macrolanguage," or vice-versa.
> From: Peter Constable
> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12:33 PM
> To: Don Osborn; cldr-users@unicode.org
> Subject: RE: Locales, macrolanguages & clusters
> Please clarify your question: do you mean "a single locale written to cover
> a macrolanguage and one or more encompassed languages" or "a locale for a
> macrolanguage as well as separate locales for one or more encompassed
> languages"?
> Peter
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