(from the CLDR-users archives; source: CLDR-users index for Jan. 2007)
From: "Don Osborn" <dzo@bisharat.net>
To: <cldr-users@unicode.org>
Subject: Online simple listing of locales filed in CLDR
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 20:53:42 -0500
Probably I'm missing it, but I was looking without success for a simple list or table on the CLDR pages showing the locales filed by language (& country). There are comparison charts, block-lists of languages and of countries (separately), and files to download, but apparently no simple summary that lets you see at a glance what is and isn't filed. Such a list or table might most appropriately have some additional info of course, but I'm looking for something to refer people to for basic info. TIA.