Two items posted to LinkedIn relating to development, but in which I call attention to frequently missing dimensions.
“Mark your diaries now for the ICT4D Non-Conference, 8th-10th September 2020” (posted August 2019)
FYI, this #ICT4D conclave is over a year out – apparently not a CFP, tho one can message ideas. I would want to see #L10n (languages & ICT) in the mix somehow. Since there is time, and this event is connected with UNESCO, which is coordinating the current International Year of Indigenous Languages #iyil2019, perhaps there is some hope
Reply to a post by UNESCO of an article entitled “International Day for the Eradication of Poverty,” 17 October 2019 (posted October 2019)
Can poverty really be ended without requisite attention to structures fostering concentration of wealth? The latter is the key driver of #inequality, and related to other social and economic problems. #endpoverty #endextremewealth
Other blogs > LinkedIn > LinkedIn articles & posts, 2019 (Aug-Dec)