Two separate items posted on LinkedIn during July 2017. I found a common thread in the valuing of linguistic diversity.
“Why don’t companies invest in translation?“ Teresa Sousa, Translation Journal, July 2016 (posted July 2017)
Parts of this 7/2016 discussion by Teresa Sousa are also relevant to organizations working in international development. A couple of differences for the latter are that there is sometimes bias against work in “local” languages, and many of the languages of beneficiaries are “less resourced” than the ones discussed in the commercial realm.
“Liberal Arts in the Data Age“ (“Liberal Arts Majors Are the Future of the Tech Industry”), J.M. Olejarz, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2017 (posted July 2017)
Nice read in Harvard Business Review. Especially appreciate the final line which caught my eye in a tweet about it by Yale University Center for Language Study: “at how great a disadvantage might we put ourselves—and the world—if we force our minds to approach all problems the same way?”
(my comment)
Part of the reason I am interested in linguistic diversity and in supporting development of non-dominant languages is that they represent diverse ways of looking at and organizing our common reality (beyond of course facilitating communication of culture-specific knowledge).
Other blogs > LinkedIn > LinkedIn articles & posts, 2017 (Jul–Dec)