Taking the opportunity again this year to publicize the latest in a series of annual symposia in New York on language issues in international contexts. The last two dealt with language(s) and the Sustainable Development Goals. This year’s edition, to be held on 10-11 May 2018, has as its title, “Multilingualism in International Organizations and in International Co-operation.” It is sponsored by the Study Group on Language and the United Nations in cooperation with The Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, the Center for Applied Linguistics, and Birkbeck, University of London.
The organizers’ description of the event, and their preliminary program follow (the content is theirs; although not connected with the event or any of its sponsors, I’ve taken the opportunity to present this information with added links such as I could find – please advise if any should be replaced):
Multilingualism in International Organizations and in International Co-operation
Thursday & Friday, May 10-11, 2018, at the Church Center, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 (First Ave. at 44th St.)
Multilingualism in international co-operation entails both costs and benefits: costs because it requires mechanisms such as the selection of multilingual staff and the mediation of language professionals; benefits because, if properly managed, it includes all parties to decision-making, promotes consensus, supports programme delivery, and aids dissemination of results. Thus it favours social justice and inclusion. Increasingly, multilingualism is seen as a positive force, though it is not always recognized as such by all stakeholders.
Within the United Nations, for example, owing in particular to the scarcity of available data, advocates of multilingual language policies often face ideological, financial and administrative resistance, despite a growing recognition that multilingualism, as a core value of the UN, is a potential source of strength.
This symposium seeks to focus on, and generate interest in, these issues. Contributorscription will address the challenges of supporting multilingualism in organizations and in sites of international co-operation across different sectors (e.g. business, diplomacy, economics) and communities. Included will be theoretical and methodological studies, on the one hand, and studies addressing specific practical challenges, on the other – especially papers that focus directly on the work of the UN system or other international bodies, or research having obvious implications for their work.
Among the themes that we hope to address are the following:
- evolving perceptions of multilingualism in international settings
- linguistic inclusiveness in multilingual settings
- interpretation and translation in international organizations
- speed of decision-making vs. information loss in monolingual contexts
- language in international peace-keeping
- language and human/minority rights
- the economics of language regimes
- linguistic equity in organizations
- inclusive communication in local and international development
- language policy in international organizations
- language and sustainability
- multilingualism and NGOs
Speakers will include:
- H.E. Amb. Narjess Saidane, Permanent Observer for the International Organization of La Francophonie to the United Nations
- H.E. Amb. Valentin Rybakov, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the United Nations
- H.E. Amb. Michael Ten Pow, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Guyana to the United Nations
- Carole Maisonneuve, Public Information and Multilingualism Coordination Officer, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, United Nations
- Joel Gómez, President and CEO, Center for Applied Linguistics
- Humphrey Tonkin, Director, Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems
Keynote speaker:
Michele Gazzola, Research Fellow, Humboldt University, Berlin
The economic effects of language regimes: The case of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the European Patent Office
Papers and presentations will include:
John Edwards (St Francis Xavier University and Dalhousie University, Canada)
Language claims & language rights
Timothy Reagan (University of Maine, USA)
Sign language multilingualism: The forgotten language diversity in disempowered communities
Emma Asonye (University of Mexico), Ezinne Emma-Asonye (University of Mexico), Queenette Okwaraji (University of Rochester, USA) and Khadijah Asili (Vizionz-Sankofa)
Linguistic diversity and the language rights of the underprivileged population in Africa and America: Towards an inclusive society in 2030
Nirvana Bhatia (Linguistic Rights Specialist)
The paper chase: A review of the UN’s recent language-rights legislation
Phindile Dlamini (University of Swaziland)
Swaziland’s dream of linguistic representation in international organisations: Will the sociolinguistic map of the United Nations ever change?
Maneeratana Sawasdiwat Na Ayutthaya (ASEAN Center for Multilingualism, Translation & Interpretation, Thailand)
Multilingualism, translation and interpretation in the ASEAN Community
Leigh Swigart (Brandeis University, USA)
English at the International Criminal Court: Working language or default language?
Beatrice Owiti (Kenya Methodist University)
Interpretation and translation in the International Criminal Court
Lisa McEntee-Atalianis (Birkbeck, University of London, UK), Michele Gazzola and Torsten Templin (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)
Measuring diversity in multilingual communication
Francis M. Hult (Lund University, Sweden)
Parallel language use: A Nordic solution for multilingual organisations?
Dorte Lønsmann (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark) & Janus Mortensen (University of Copenhagen)
English only? A critical examination of the ‘natural’ status of English as a corporate language
Spencer Hazel (Newcastle University, UK), Katherine Kappa and Kamilla Kraft (University of Copenhagen)
Language policing in international organisations: Explicit and embedded orientations to language repertoires and their impact on professional identity
Pia Decarsin (JPD Systems Translation Services)
Language policy in international organisations: Criteria and recommendations for strategic content selection for translation
Mirna Soares Andrade (Inter-American Defense College, Washington, D.C.)
Multilingualism and language services at the Inter-American Defense College
Shana Pughe Dean (Tone Translate, Utica, NY, USA))
Creating opportunity and understanding in a multicultural world on the move: Refugee resettlement agencies
Carol Benson (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA)
The importance of a multilingual habitus when assessing literacy skills in educational development
Erina Iwasaki (Teachers College, Columbia University, USA)
Reframing multilingualism in terms of opportunity
Ari Sherris (Texas A & M University-Kingsville, Texas, USA) & Joy Kreeft Peyton (Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.)
The power of multilingualism and multiliteracy for languages and groups
Additional information and registration at http://www.languageandtheun.org
For information, below are links to posts on this blog regarding the 2016 and 2017 events:
- CFP: Language and the SDGs (29 January 2016)
- Language and the SDGs, 21-22 April 2016 (12 April 2016)
- CFP: Language, the SDGs, and Vulnerable Populations (28 January 2017)